Coaching Irish Grassroots Football

Bibs, Balls and Cones

Bibs, Balls and Cones was launched January this year 2011 .

I spoke with Marc Lennon and Dave Dunning ask them what this was about? As the tag line states Every good trainer needs their Bibs, Balls and Cones. The first issue of the E-zine was issued at the end of January 2011, the second issue was released at the end of February and it is our intention to issue the publication monthly thereafter with a sabbatical in December.

What is the reason behind the concept? Bibs, Balls and Cones will cost the reader nothing. All we hope is that our readers will contribute with ideas and drills, and that will let friends and fellow coaches/trainer know about Bibs, Balls and Cones. As you can imagine feedback is very important to us.

What are coaches asked to do? Potential contributors are asked to share their knowledge/ideas, submitting full or part of a session plan, drills, ideas or even articles prevalent to training, coaching, conditioning or fitness. The deadline for submissions is one week before the end of each month to allow for editing.

How will it help? We do not envisage that the E-Zine will be used to have a go at any organisation, or to voice an opinion about opposition clubs or referees. Bibs, Balls and Cones is there to help people who want to improve their own knowledge and importantly to improve the players in their charge.

Can anyone contribute? We believe that all managers/coaches/trainers involved in the game, whether underage, youths or senior adult, regardless of gender, and regardless of what level, league or division they are involved in, have good ideas and good constructive knowledge which would enrich others of the same mind. Contributors do not have to have any qualifications or degrees, just ideas that they wish to share. When ideas/articles are published we will ask the readership to comment with constructive feedback, or with a variation of the piece or a progression of the idea/article.

To receive Bibs, Balls and Cones directly, please send an e-mail with a request to be added

to the mailing list to or visit them on facebook at

They’re also behind DD Fitness Strength and Conditioning Coaching.

The Coach Diary would like to thanks Ball, Bibs & Cones

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