Irish Grassroots Football

Good Reads this week:

Youth Sport and COVID-19: Contextual, Methodological, and Practical Considerations

  1. The unique circumstances surrounding COVID-19 offer an opportunity to reflect on existing youth sport provision. What defines a “real” sport? What are those key ingredients needed for sport to occur? Sport systems can often be resistant to change because this “is how we’ve always done it.” Now is the time to challenge that approach.…/fspor.2020.584252/full…

2. “The science is clear – this can all be done safely. Other jurisdictions have done it. The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, France – these are all countries where youth sport is being preserved through accredited sports clubs right now. They recognise it’s safe. They’ve looked at the science.”…/frustration-grows-among…

3. 100% agree with Benny. I’ve been coaching children since July at our childcare facility and we haven’t had 1 child out sick with a flu or cold, never mind covid! Lots of Children are regressing and our government don’t seem to care. Absolutely we need to take care and practice safe protocols for the safety of everyone, however we can’t lock children and adults away from their sport & exercise any longer. It’s mentally draining being stuck in a house all day without any social interaction with your peers. Children, people need social interactions.…/-kids-are-crumbling-and…/…


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