A team of Swansea City coaches, led by Swansea City’s Head of Academy – Roy Thomas and Ireland Coordinator – Aaron McNeill, will deliver presentations and practical sessions on our foundation and youth development phase at the club.
Places on the event cost £40 per coach and will include lunch, refreshments and a certificate of attendance.
CLICK HERE to book your place.
Bookings close on Thursday 30th November.
This event has been awarded 5 external CPD points for coaches who hold UEFA licences with the Irish Football Association (IFA).
List of Swansea City Academy Coaches attending:
Roy Thomas – Head of Academy Coaching & Coach Educator
Andrew Sparkes – Head of Academy Goalkeeping
Ollie Jefferies – Foundation Phase Academy Coach
Harry Spratley – Academy Analyst
Aaron McNeill – Ireland Coordinator
Further details:
Day: Sunday 3rd December 2017
Location: Pavilion, Stormont Estate, Belfast BT4 3TA
Time: 10-5pm
Cost: £40 per coach (includes tea/coffee, light lunch and certificate of attendance)
For further details please contact – aaronmcneill@swanseacity.com
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